Term 4 Week 3

 Welcome to Week 3!

How fast did those first two weeks go?! The year threes have started the term strong with impressive growth in their PAT assessments. We are so proud of them all!

Hat Off to Teachers:
Next Friday is World Teachers Day, the theme being Hats Off To Teachers. To celebrate the fantastic teachers we have at OLC, the P&F will be hosting a morning tea for the teachers. To join in the fun and celebrate the teachers, the students are asked to wear a fun hat to school.

School Photo day:
Fotomakers WA will visit Our Lady of the Cape Primary School on the 26th of October, 2023. All orders will need to be placed online. There is no option to pay with cash. Every student has received an information letter to take home. The information letter gives the students a unique access key for ordering online and clear instructions for ordering your photos. Note that all students from Y1 – Y6 should wear full formal uniforms on Thursday. This includes shorts for boys, shorts or summer dresses for girls and winter green woollen formal jumpers for all students in those years. Hair accessories must be in school colours only (teal green, white or black).

Please take some time to check in with our school policy around hair cuts and uniform expectations for the last term - this includes socks or incorrect shoes. 
A big one for us is the hair being tied up. This needs to be done is the students hair is past their shoulder.
If you've had a uniform malfunction, please write a quick note to send in with your child or flick me a quick email giving me the heads up.

Laptop 2024:
All families received a note regrading laptops for Year 4 next year. These are due on Friday 27th October, can you please make sure these are brought in by this date.

Grandparents Day:
We will celebrate Grandparents Day on Friday, the 3rd of November (Week 4). We will start at 9.00 am with a 1K assembly. Grandparents can then go into classrooms for activities from 9.30-10.40. At 10:40, they will have an opportunity to share morning tea with their grandchildren.

VIA Character Strength – Judgement  


Just a reminder to check in with your child to make sure that homework is coming home. Each week we complete the following and your child is to bring it in with them on Friday.

Reading - 10-15 minutes each night (out loud preferably) and answering one question thoughtfully from the given list.

Mental Maths - Working through the 4 columns as suits with Mathletics available if your child is looking for more.

Thank you all for a great start to the term, enjoy the week!


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