Good morning 3DAN parents,

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and didn't melt in the heat.

A huge thanks to those of you that remembered to bring in the two boxes of tissues. If you haven't already, can I ask that you pop them on to your shopping list when you can and send them in with your child.

If your child is unwell at school, the office will make contact with you to collect them as soon as you are able. Please make sure that you contact the office via our Absentee Line or through an online form. You can also send me an email to let me know so that I can make a note in SEQTA rather than receiving the Absentee message.

Sport Days & Library:
This semester (Terms 1 & 2) we are lucky to have dance as one of our learning areas with the legendary Mrs Ellie Haines! 

This means we get to wear our sports uniform for 3 out of the 5 days...whoop whoop! 

  • Monday - Dance
  • Wednesday - Sport
  • Friday - Cross Country/Class Sport
We will have Library on Wednesdays but we won't start this until Week 3 when swimming has concluded...we have enough bags to take care of!

Important Dates:
Please make sure that you are reading the newsletter and checking the school calendar on the OLC website for the most up to date schedule of events

Week 3 - OLC Classroom Parent Meet and Greet - Monday 13th February 6pm in the Hall and then 6.30pm in classrooms. 
Week 4 - Ash Wednesday Liturgy - Wednesday 22nd February - all parents are warmly invited to attend.
Week 5 - Pupil Free Day - Friday 3rd March.
Week 6 - Public Holiday - Monday 6th March
               Year 6 Carwash Fundraiser - Sunday 12th March 
Week 7 - NAPLAN - Further information to come as necessary.
Weeks 8 & 9 - Parent Teacher Interviews - Further details to come later in the term.
Week 10 - Term 1 Ends Thursday 6th April 

I went through our homework expectations and help the students set them up ready to begin homework this coming week.

Our goal with homework is to help your child set up the next step in their habit journey, spending a small amount of their day/week (as suits) completing some simple tasks.

Homework will be due in each Friday, students will be asked to bring in their homework books in the morning.

As a class, we will mark our mental maths together

The students will then collect their new sheets ready for the following week and then hand it in to me to be checked. Homework books will come home on a Monday afternoon.

Homework in Year 3 will consist of the following:

Mental Maths - We will start off looking at some simple operations review. 

There are 4 columns for your child to complete over the a family you can work out what works best for you...a small amount each night or whatever suits you best.

Reading - We will not be sending home readers, I want your child to choose books that they enjoy can be a picture book, chapter book, graphic novel or a non-fiction text. I want them to remember that reading can be fun.

The goal is that they are reading each night...this can be when they are tucked up in bed at night or in the morning/afternoon.

They are to write the name of their book, how long/number of pages and have you sign it.

They are to also choose one question from the list that is glued into the front of their homework book and they are to write their answer to that question in the space given...these questions work with ANY book.

We had a really big chat about how the students are to be responsible for this task (as much as they can be at 7 and 8) and to make sure they are giving this their best effort each week.

I know that homework can be contentious at times...particularly as the students can be tired. 

If you are having consistent difficulties, please let me know. If this difficulty comes from a lack of understanding - please reach out and we can adjust, if it comes from an unwillingness - please reach out and I can have a chat with your child.

I am sure this is clear as mud at this stage but once your child brings their book home on Monday, I am hopeful it be super clear! Like everything in the first few weeks, it will get easier as it becomes more familiar.

I would once again like to thank you for a great start to the term, if you have any questions on any of the above, please reach out!


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