Term 3, Week 8

Good afternoon everyone,

Kindy Buddies Sensory Day - The students head down to Kindy each Thursday beforer recess to spend time with their Kindy buddies.

The amazing Mrs Rechici has organised a sensory day for the children to enjoy...from all accounts it sounds like a wonderful time! If we can ask that you please send in an OLD shirt for your child to wear on Thursday as it is expected to be messy!!

Our Character Strength of the Week...

Social Intelligence...this is a big one to have a handle on in a busy classroom...when a person knows what makes other people tick, he or she is displaying social intelligence. 

They’re aware of the motives and feelings of themselves and others, and how to fit into different social situations. 

What's Happening This Week...

Operation Christmas Shoebox - Thank you to those families that have made their donations...if your child hasn't had a chance to bring their part in, can you please organise this with them for tomorrow as we will be putting our boxes together.

If you can also make sure that you have sent in the $2.50 needed...the total cost of each box to post is $12.50 so all members need to contribute.

If there are any problems with the above, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

General Classroom Behaviour:
As the term draws temptingly close to the holidays, coughs and sneezes abound I would appreciate it if you could have a chat with your child about their general classroom behaviour...how do they think they are going and how are they contributing positively to the classroom environment?

Treating our classmates and teachers with kindness, following classroom expectations and being respectful towards our property and technology are all super important pieces in helping our classroom feel like a good place to be for ALL students.

Please take some time to check in with our school policy around hair cuts and uniform expectations for the last couple of weeks of school - this includes socks or incorrect shoes. 

Soooo, this has been a tough one the last couple of weeks. Some students, they are doing a great job...answering their maths questions, filling in their reading and having it signed as well as making really thoughtful responses to their chosen question.

For some students there is a consistent pattern of forgetting homework or having much of it not done or incomplete - whether it is questions being answered or having their reading signed. 

I completely understand that weeks can be busy and the short week caused a bit of confusion but just to clarify a couple of points.

Students are to read each night for 10-15 minutes, fill this in to their log and then bring it to you to be signed. They are also to choose a question to answer from their list and fill in their response in the space given.

They are to complete their maths work, for some students this is quite easy and for others it is a little harder...both of these are okay. For those students who are finding it particularly easy, with your permission and supervision they are welcome to access their Mathletics account which has tasks aligned with our current content for them to either review, consolidate or extend their knowledge.

Students that aren't completing their homework correctly will be spending time at recess catching up.

All homework is brought in and set up on a Friday with most students taking it home on a Monday...they are reminded each day to check they have collected their sheets and that their books have made it to their bags.


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