Term 3, Week 1

 Welcome to Term 3!! Yewwwww.

Character Strength of the Week...Prudence.

Prudence means being careful about your choices, stopping and thinking before acting. It is a strength of restraint. 

When you are prudent, you are not taking unnecessary risks, and not saying or doing things that you might later regret. 

If you are high in prudence, you are able to consider the long-term consequences of your actions. 

Prudence is a form of practical reasoning, the ability to examine the potential consequences of your actions objectively, and to control yourself based on that examination. Prudence involves far-sighted planning as well as short-term, goal-directed planning. It is often referred to as cautious wisdom, practical wisdom, and practical reasoning.

A couple of reminders to help the term start as smoothly as possible...

If you know that your family will still be away as we commence the term, can I please ask you to jump online to fill in an online absentee form so that I can reconcile any absences.

Change to Uniform:
A reminder that our dance sessions with Mrs Haines have now ended...this means your child is to wear their sports uniform on Wednesday and Friday only.

They are to be in their formal uniform all other days with correct footwear.

We will be taking some time to swap out old books with new ones and your child needs - lead pencils, red pens, glue sticks, scissors, ruler, eraser and a functional sharpener. WHITEBOARD markers. Apparently these go walkabout

Scrap Books:
If you do have a spare scrap book, could you please send it in with your child by Friday as we will need it for a new Homework book this semester.

Important Dates for Term 3 2023
  1. Thursday 27th July - Inter school Cross Country 
  2. Wednesday 9th August - World Indigenous Day 
  3. Friday 18th August - OLC feast day and mission markets 
  4. Monday 21st - Friday 25th August - Book Week
  5. Monday 28th August - Pupil Free Day 
  6. Friday 1st September - EA Appreciation Day 
  7. Sunday 3rd September - Fathers Day 
  8. Wednesday 13th September - Learning Journey - Open Classroom
  9. Thursday 14th September - R U OK Day 
  10. Friday 15th September - OLC Athletics Carnival 
  11. Friday 22nd September - OLC's Got Talent and last day of school for term 


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