Term 2, Week 9
Hello everyone and welcome to week 9.
Can't believe that there is only 2 weeks left of school. Tminus 13 days until I head to Darwin. You little beauty.
Our Character Strength of the Week...Perspective
What Is Perspective?
Perspective means the ability to see the bigger picture in life.
Perspective is about being able to see the forest as well as the trees, to avoid getting wrapped up in the small details when there are bigger issues to consider.
While listening to others, perspective helps you to think about life lessons, proper conduct, and what’s best for the situation being discussed. This ability to look as a whole, or to think in big terms, helps you to offer good advice.
This is one I can personally find challenging when I am caught up in the grind of life...small things feel super important and it can be hard to see the wood for the trees.
I am working on trying to broaden this perspective and I will often ask myself 'will this matter this much in 5 days/weeks/months/years?' If I answer 'no' I try hard to shift my perspective...this is one of the many life lessons we work on in class as well...so great learning all round!
A Few Reminders For The Week...
Dance Concert:
How good was it?! We are so lucky to have Mrs Haines in the house...I am certain she plans the playlist jus to take us down memory lane back to the day...the kids were so amazing and showed such courage. Thanks to those parents that were able to attend and helped in getting costumes sorted...greatly appreciated!
This week in class students will be designing an EDPU (Egg Drop Protection Unit).
We have been learning about different tyes of materials and their purposes, why they were chosen to do what they do...students will work on their designs this week and then NEXT WEEK they will build and test their EDPU's to see if they can keep their egg safe.
We are asking students to bring in their own materials for their EDPU ready to assemble on Wednesday (Week 10) for testing, your input is always appreciated but it is important that your child is able to assemble, test and explain their process so please allow them agency with enthusiastic support.
A couple of weeks ago we went to Ngilgi Cave for our culutrual excursion. The weather was horrible, but the day was fantastic. Below are some photos from the day.
Please note that there will be no JEMMS for the next two weeks as Mrs Jackson has taken leave.
She will be heading overseas to visit her family in England.
Stay warm and enjoy the week.
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