Week 4 Term 1

Good morning parents,
Welcome to week 4!

Character Strength - Week 4
As I mentioned in our last post, we will be looking at a new strength each week. Our character strength for this week is Creativity. 

Creativity is thinking of new ways to do things. It involves producing ideas or behaviours that are original. However, originality is not enough: whatever is created, whether an idea or a product, must also be useful or adaptable. 

A creative individual generates ideas or behaviours that are novel or unusual and these make a positive contribution to the individual's life or the lives of others. 

Just a reminder that your child MUST bring their hat each day. It is a requirement that they wear them during daily fitness, recess and lunch. I encourage the students to leave them permanently in their top zip pocket so they are easy to remember.

Can you please check in with your child to make sure they have their hat and their name is clearly displayed. Thank you!

Sports Days:
A reminder that now that swimming has finished we are wearing our sports uniform on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Students are to wear their formal uniform on Tuesday and Thursday.

Please make sure that your child is also wearing the correct shoes with each uniform.

If your child needs to wear sneakers with their formal uniform because of feet issues or a life hiccup, please send in a note with them.

Each Thursday we will spend time with the students working through practice NAPLAN assessments.

As NAPLAN is online, this provides a valuable opportunity for students to practice logging in to their devices, learn valuable test taking skills and be exposed to a variety of different questions styles that will help them to achieve at THEIR best during our NAPLAN assessments later in the term.

Our goal is to help the students to remain relaxed, calm and do they best they can. 

If you have any questions or concerns about NAPLAN for your child. Please get in touch as soon as possible.

JEMMS & Literacy Interventions: 
We will begin our JEMMS sessions this week, all families involved have been contacted.

Please make sure that you arrive promptly with your child at 7.55am so that sessions can begin on time.

A huge thank you to Mrs Jackson for giving up her mornings to run these groups!

We appreciate that these days may not suit for a variety of reasons...super hard to get everyone sorted. We will be swapping days each term to alleviate this.

Scrap books:
Could you please bring in extra scrap books that were taking home on the first day? We have had to borrow from other classes and need to pay them back.

We are excited to be heading back to the Library to get our students reading...your child is to bring their library bag each week and all students are strongly encouraged to borrow. 

Our Library day is Wednesday.

This is a great chance for them to choose a book that they may not normally and of course, it is fine for them to read these for their nightly reading!

Artist Incursion:
We are super lucky this week to have the chance to work with the artist Andrew Fraser in an initiative organised by our incredible P&F!

Ash Wednesday:
Ash Wednesday opens Lent, a season of fasting and prayer. Ash Wednesday takes place 46 days before Easter Sunday, and is chiefly observed by Catholics, although many other Christians observe it too.
Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the head.

The ashes symbolize the dust from which God made us. The ashes are made from the blessed palms used in the Palm Sunday celebration of the previous year.
We will be walking down to the church on Wednesday morning to celebrate mass in the Church this year leaving at 9am.


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